Release notes

DocGen 5.0.1 20/02/2025

  • Improve installation instructions

DocGen 5.0.0 12/02/2025

Major version (breaking changes)

  • new PDF engine based on react-pdf (replaces wkhtmltopdf)
  • removed support some features react-pdf can't support (math blocks, code syntax highlighting, SVG icons)
  • improved button and layout styles
  • fix regression bugs related to paths

DocGen 4.3.0 25/07/2024

  • add style-dictionary for managing design tokens

DocGen 4.2.0 15/04/2024

  • better mobile-friendly styles

DocGen 4.1.1 09/04/2024

  • fix Katex math rendering after removing jQuery

DocGen 4.1.0 05/04/2024

  • remove dependency on jQuery

DocGen 4.0.0 15/03/2024

  • new mobile-friendly responsive design with sidebar menu

DocGen 3.7.0 28/02/2024

DocGen 3.6.0 14/12/2023

  • simplify and improve styles layer

DocGen 3.5.0 04/12/2023

  • modernise view code (use React templates)

DocGen 3.4.0 06/11/2023

  • modernise code (convert to TypeScript and split into modules)

DocGen 3.3.1 19/10/2023

  • remove legacy rsvp package that's not needed in modern JavaScript/TypeScript

DocGen 3.3.0 16/10/2023

  • start refactoring to TypeScript

DocGen 3.2.14 04/10/2023

  • rebrand actions (button style updates)

DocGen 3.2.13 03/10/2023

  • docs website: add Inkit sponsorship links to header

DocGen 3.2.12 28/09/2023

  • fix deprecated MathJax CDN (#77)

DocGen 3.2.10 - 3.2.11 28/09/2023

  • improve and modernise docs (website)

DocGen 3.2.4 - 3.2.9 27/09/2023

  • refactor directory structure to better suit build process
  • fix path resolution error in released build

DocGen 3.2.3 26/09/2023

  • fix missing build artefacts from the published NPM package (#67)

DocGen 3.2.2 25/09/2023

  • fix corrupted character / encoding issue in PDF footer (#57)

DocGen 3.2.1 25/09/2023

  • support SVG brand icons

DocGen 3.2.0 21/09/2023

  • update website with rebrand and sponsorship

DocGen 3.1.0 - 3.1.3 05/09/2023

  • removed dependency on Webknife CSS framework, ported styles directly to this repo

DocGen 3.0.7 - 3.0.8 07/07/2023

  • automated Github CI/CD for tagging a release

DocGen 3.0.5 - 3.0.6 released 05/07/2023

  • automated Github CI/CD pipeline for publishing the NPM package

DocGen 3.0.1 - 3.0.4 released 30/06/2023

  • automated Github CI/CD pipeline for publishing the docs website
  • modernised the build tooling (TypeScript compiler)
  • publish only the dist directory to the NPM package
  • better NPM commands for developing and maintaining the repository
  • docs directory is now produced in a build step (build output is no longer committed)

DocGen 3.0.0 released 24/06/2023

  • Ownership and copyright transferred to project sponsor Inkit Inc
  • License remains open-source MIT

DocGen 2.1.3 released 29/05/2015

  • Allow more protocols in CommonMark links (see markdown-it ticket #108)

DocGen 2.1.2 released 28/05/2015

  • Fixed a regression defect (exception when running docgen scaffold) that first appeared in DocGen 2.1.0

DocGen 2.1.1 released 28/05/2015

  • Upgraded all node dependencies to the latest versions
  • Upgraded styles to the latest release of Webknife (1.4.0)

DocGen 2.1.0 released 27/05/2015

  • Added a command-line option for specifying a custom path to wkhtmltopdf

DocGen 2.0.1 released 31/03/2015

  • Fixed the node package and user guide for installing with npm install -g

DocGen 2.0.0 released 31/03/2015

  • DocGen is now open source
  • Rewritten in JavaScript for Node.js
  • Much easier to install (hosted on npm)
  • Dependencies are now version controlled (using npm)
  • Modernized visual style (uses Webknife CSS framework)
  • Input metadata files are now in JSON rather than YAML format
  • Top-level page headings are now inserted automatically (from contents.json)
  • The web and PDF tables of contents both correspond to contents.json
  • Command-line options are now used for configuration, rather than a config file
  • Command-line output is now color coded (green success, red error)
  • Added usage information to the command line interface
  • Generating the PDF is now an optional feature
  • Upgraded to the latest version of the PDF generator (wkhtmltopdf)
  • Added support for mathematical expressions (with KaTex or MathJax)
  • Added support for a list of document contributors (for multiple authors)
  • Added support for a header link back to the application (integrated docs)
  • Added time to the generation timestamp
  • Renamed 'change log' to 'release notes'
  • Fixed issues with fonts and text kerning in the PDF copy
  • Fixed defect where unexpected text appeared on some pages with a page table of contents
  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer 7 and 8
  • Dropped formal support for tool to run on multiple operating systems
  • Removed support for 'Mark of the Web'

DocGen 1.0.1 released 18/01/2012

  • Fixed a bug causing the table of contents headings to sometimes appear in the wrong order

DocGen 1.0.0 released 04/11/2011

  • Ruby implementation (not released as open source)
  • Creates a static website from Markdown input files
  • Also creates a PDF copy using wkhtmltopdf