Peek is a an object-oriented chart library for web applications, based on D3.js.
The benefits of D3.js, but with easier, configurable, reusable chart objects.
Supports scatter, line, area, bar, pie, and donut charts in multiple orientations and configurations.
Display and compare multiple data series with stacked and grouped charts.
Scales and axis tick labels are handled automatically, with input data maxima detection.
Optional best-fit curves and line smoothing with D3 line interpolation.
Standardised data inputs allow the same dataset to easily be displayed in multiple chart types.
Support for configurable chart titles, axis labels, and legends.
Optionally show data points, with interactive tooltips for displaying values.
Peek provides an HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript chart library for any modern web application.
Peek is server-side agnostic and will work with any backend framework.
Download or clone a copy of the library.
Copy and paste from the examples.
Attach to any webpage, and publish.
The key point is to attach the library CSS and JavaScript files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="peek.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="require/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="peek.js"></script>
The best way to get an overview is to look at the examples.
User classes are accessed directy. Internal classes are only accessed indirectly, as a child members of a user class.
Legends, titles, and labels (except axis tick labels) are rendered as HTML elements, not SVG elements. This is primarily because HTML elements handle text overflow better. The chart topology, with CSS class names, is shown below: